8 Usability Testing Methods for SaaS Products

In today’s competitive business landscape, user experience has become a key differentiator for SaaS (Software as a Service) products. A user-friendly, intuitive, and efficient software product can make all the difference between success and failure. That’s why usability testing is so important. By observing how real users interact with your product, you can identify usability issues, understand user behavior, and make informed decisions about improving your product. 

But with so many usability testing methods, determining which usability method best suits your SaaS product often gets very complicated.   

Therefore, this article highlights eight usability testing methods that can help you optimize the product user experience. From moderated and unmoderated testing to card sorting and heuristic evaluation, we’ll explain each process, when to use it, and what benefits it can bring to your SaaS product.  

Overview of Usability Testing 

Usability testing is a method of evaluating how well users can interact with a product or service. It involves observing and collecting feedback from users as they perform specific tasks or scenarios and then using that feedback to identify and address usability issues. Usability testing is an integral part of the product development process, as it helps ensure that your product is easy to use and efficient. There are various types of usability testing methods that you can use to evaluate your SaaS product, depending on your goals, budget, and timeline. Some of the key usability testing methods are enlisted below: 

  1. Moderated usability testing: a moderator guides users through tasks while observing their behavior and collecting feedback. 
  2. Unmoderated usability testing: users perform tasks using a testing platform that records their actions and collects feedback. 
  3. A/B testing: two or more versions of a product or feature are tested with different user groups to determine which version performs better. 
  4. Heuristic evaluation: evaluators assess a product’s usability based on predefined usability principles or “heuristics.” 
  5. Card sorting: users organize and categorize items into groups to help improve the product’s information architecture. 
  6. Tree testing: users navigate a simplified version of the product’s information architecture to test its usability and discoverability. 
  7. Click testing users must click on specific areas of a product’s interface to assess the visibility and discoverability of elements. 
  8. Surveys and questionnaires: users provide feedback through structured surveys and questionnaires that cover various aspects of the product’s usability and user experience. 

Using one or more of these usability testing methods, you can gain valuable insights into how users interact with your SaaS product, identify any usability issues, and make data-driven decisions about improving its user experience. 

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Comparative Analysis: 

Regarding usability testing for SaaS products, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Each method has its advantages, disadvantages, and ideal use cases. Here is a comparative analysis of the eight usability testing methods we discussed earlier: 

1. Moderated usability testing 

  • Advantages: Provides rich qualitative data, allows for in-depth user feedback, and can be customized to fit specific research goals.  
  • Disadvantages: it can be time-consuming and expensive, requires a skilled moderator, and may not accurately reflect real-world data usage.  
  • Ideal use cases: Testing complex or new features, validating design concepts, and getting detailed feedback from specific user segments. 

2. Unmoderated usability testing 

  • Advantages: Efficient and cost-effective, can reach many participants, and provide insights on real-world usage.  
  • Disadvantages: It may lack the depth of qualitative feedback, rely on self-reported data, and have limited customization options.  
  • Ideal use cases: Testing standard user flows, validating hypotheses, and collecting data on user behavior at scale. 

3. A/B testing 

  • Advantages: Provides data-driven insights on user behavior, allows for direct comparison of different versions, and can be used to optimize specific features or pages.  
  • Disadvantages: Requires a large sample size to be statistically significant, may have limitations based on the collected data type, and may not provide qualitative feedback.  
  • Ideal use cases: Testing variations of the same feature, optimizing conversion rates, and testing specific user actions. 

4. Heuristic evaluation 

  • Advantages: Quick and cost-effective, can be performed by non-experts and can identify potential usability issues based on established principles.  
  • Disadvantages: It may not provide a complete picture of user behavior, lacks the depth of qualitative feedback, and may not identify all usability issues.  
  • Ideal use cases: Identifying high-level usability issues, comparing designs, and prioritizing usability issues for further testing. 

5. Card sorting 

  • Advantages: It provides insights into how users organize information, can help improve information architecture, and can involve users in the design process.  
  • Disadvantages: It may not reflect real-world usage, may not provide insights on task completion, and may require a large number of participants.
  • Ideal use cases: Testing and optimizing information architecture, improving navigation, and validating user mental models. 

6. Tree testing 

  • Advantages: Efficient and cost-effective, can be performed remotely and can identify usability issues with the product’s navigation.  
  • Disadvantages: This may not reflect real-world usage, may require specific user scenarios, and may not identify issues with individual features.  
  • Ideal use cases: Testing the product’s navigation, validating the information architecture, and improving the discoverability of features. 

7. Click testing 

  • Advantages: Provides insights on visibility and discoverability, can be performed quickly, and can involve many participants.  
  • Disadvantages: It may not reflect real-world usage, may not provide qualitative feedback, and may require specific user scenarios.  
  • Ideal use cases: Testing the visibility and discoverability of features, validating design concepts, and identifying potential usability issues. 

8. Surveys and questionnaires 

  • Advantages: Efficient and cost-effective, can provide feedback on specific aspects of the user experience and can reach many participants.  
  • Disadvantages: It may not provide in-depth qualitative feedback, rely on self-reported data, and not identify all usability issues.  
  • Ideal use cases: Collect feedback on specific aspects of the user experience, validate design concepts, and identify potential usability issues. 

Understanding each usability testing method’s advantages, disadvantages, and ideal use cases allows you to choose the right way or combination of plans for your SaaS product and research goals. 


As with any testing methodology, usability testing methods have both advantages and disadvantages. Selecting the most suitable method for a project will hinge on several factors, including the development phase, user objectives, and research goals. It’s essential to consider the context in which the product will be used and the type of feedback that needs to be gathered. By choosing the proper usability testing method, testers can gain valuable insights into how users interact with the product and identify areas for improvement, ultimately leading to a better user experience and increased satisfaction.